Start painting today!
All you need is acrylic/craft paint, a few brushes and a canvas!
Art Studio Set Up
Step by step instruction
About this course
- $12.00
- 3 lessons
- 0.5 hours of video content
Art Supplies
You only need a few basic supplies
(find the rainbow forest here )
Keep it simple! Remember we are going for expression rather than perfection!
Acrylic paint – student grade is perfect. Craft paints are great too! Bring all your favourite colours!
3-4 different size brushes. In most of my paintings I use a size 4/5 small round, a medium size 5/6 Filbert and a 1 inch Flat synthetic hair brushes.
Canvasses or mixed media paper - some people paint on rocks, saw blades and even furniture!
Water to clean brushes
Paper towels / paint cloth, a rag
Paint palette (paper plate will work)
Use what you have! improvise Get creative.
Remember this is fun art not fine art!
Make the painting your own, change up the colours, ad other elements! Have fun with it! Let your inner artist come out to play!