This class is not available here, but is included in the membership!

This painting and many more!

Searching for paintings to do on the internet can be frustrating. So many are just time lapse videos with no sound or instruction, so many are for very advanced painters and many have very complicated art supply lists! I keep it simple with gentle instructions that have been enjoyed by thousands!

Why Join the membership?

  • 24/7 access to all classes

  • Pause, go back or move forward as you please

  • Easy step by step instructions

  • Great for all ages and skill levels

  • Fun themes and styles

  • Access to all videos in the library immediately

  • Traceable templates where required

  • Supply suggestions

  • Bonus content

Hi I am Freda

I'll guide you step by step

Thousands of people have painted with me over the last few years at my studio and in their homes. Now they join me online and in their own homes! I love seeing the joy and excitement painting brings. People of all skill levels join to have fun and paint along. I am so excited for you to join in the fun!

Art Supplies

You only need a few basic art supplies

(find the rainbow forest here )

Keep it simple! Remember we are going for expression rather than perfection! 

Acrylic paint – student grade is perfect. Craft paints are great too! Bring all your favourite colours! 

3-4 different size brushes.  In most of my paintings I use a size 4/5 small round, a medium size 5/6 Filbert and a 1 inch Flat synthetic hair brushes.  

Canvasses or mixed media paper - some people paint on rocks, saw blades and even furniture! 

Water to clean brushes

Paper towels / paint cloth, a rag

Paint palette (paper plate will work)

Use what you have! improvise Get creative.

Remember this is fun art not fine art!

Make the painting your own, change up the colours, ad other elements! Have fun with it! Let your inner artist come out to play! 

Find supply suggestions here
